

January committee meeting

Quarterly planning meeting will start at 8pm on Wednesday 17th January 2018, in the upstairs room (through the bar) at the Cross Keys in Thame.

Sunday 17th December

Volunteers pre Christmas gathering from 10am, meet at the Scout Hut carpark in Southern Road. Usual tasks followed by social event.

Sunday 19th November 2017

We will have a range of interesting tasks, including planting an extension to the hedge on the Nontron Meadows, starting at 10am. Bring a spade or trowel if you can help.

AGM 11 October

On Wednesday October 11th our Annual General Meeting will be at 8pm in Thame MUSEUM, as usual, where we’ll plan  our next year’s projects.

Work party Sunday 15th October

Starting at 10am – The work planned includes:
Further raking/spreading of the stone in the new dog entry site by the rope swing;
Rut-busting or raking the path beside Cox’s Wood;
Coppicing hawthorn alongside the brook to reduce shading;
Clearance of overgrowth ready for digging the second backwater, below the wooden bridge;
Water sampling and invertebrate (kick) sampling.

Extra work party 8th October

Helped needed starting at 10am. We have hired machinery and will have 18 tonnes of gravel delivered in advance, and on the day a 4 ton mini-digger and a 7m tele-hoist with a 2 ton bucket. Our aim will be to re-profile the ‘rope swing’ dog entry point (to a slope of 20-30 degrees), and to carry gravel from Oxford Road to that site and spread it on the silt bed and the dog entry slope.

Please bring wellies or waders so you can help in the brook too! As always there will be other jobs so please come if you can.




Work party October 15th 2017 (third Sunday next month).

There will  be a work party on October 15th starting at 10am, details to follow.


We could not organize the gravel and machinery deliveries for next Sunday 24th (as planned for our “extra” work party) SO IT IS CANCELLED.



Sunday 17th September 2017

Our monthly workparty will start at 10am, meeting in the Scout Hut car park (Southern Road Recreation Ground). We have a range of tasks so please come and help if you can.

Work party Sunday 20 August

This Sunday we will start work on several major projects at Cuttlebrook Nature Reserve, meet at the Scout Hut, Southern Road Recreation Ground car pak (OX9 2DZ) prompt at 10am or find us on Nontron meadow near Oxford Road where we will be using a digger to create a  backwater.

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