

Sunday 16th September 2018

Volunteer workparty at 10am. Meet at the Southern Road car park by the scout hut for a range of tasks.

Workparty Sunday 19th August 2018

We have lots of work planned for 19th August working on the brook with new flow deflectors and clearing trees to allow us to construct a new backwater. Do come along at 10am and help if you can.

Sunday 15th July 2018

Volunteer work party starting at 10am as usual, meeting by the Scout Hut in the Southern Road car park, range of tasks including netting the platform by the pond

Sunday 20 May 2018

For early risers there is our dawn chorus bird census starting at 5.30am

This will be followed by the regular 10am volunteer workparty with a mix of jobs to do. Meet at the Scout Hut car park in Southern Road.

Sunday 15th April 2018

Volunteer workparty starting at 10am in the Scout Hut car park off Southern Road. Mix of jobs including installing a new information board and mulching the new hedge near the Oxford Road entrance.

Sunday 18th February 2018

This morning work party will start at 10am. Meet at the Scout hut car park in Southern Road. Work is likely to focus on coppicing hazel and tree management.

Sunday 21st January 2018 work party

The next volunteer work party starts at 10am. Meet at the Scout Hut car park. All welcome.

January committee meeting

Quarterly planning meeting will start at 8pm on Wednesday 17th January 2018, in the upstairs room (through the bar) at the Cross Keys in Thame.

Sunday 17th December

Volunteers pre Christmas gathering from 10am, meet at the Scout Hut carpark in Southern Road. Usual tasks followed by social event.

Sunday 19th November 2017

We will have a range of interesting tasks, including planting an extension to the hedge on the Nontron Meadows, starting at 10am. Bring a spade or trowel if you can help.

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