

Workparty Sunday 15th August

The volunteers are meeting at the car park in Southern Road on Sunday 15th August at 10am for a workparty.

Workparty Sunday 18 July 2021

The volunteers will be meeting at 10am on Sunday at the Scout hut car park in Southern Road to repair the board walk, do some weeding and count butterflies. Work will be in small socially distanced groups. Please bring your own work gloves.

Workparty Sunday 20th June 2021

The volunteers are meeting at 10am on Sunday 20th June to repair the Watkins Bridge over the brook and carry out other tasks, including clearing the vegetation on the steps to the Phoenix Trail. The bridge will be closed while work is being carried out. Do come and help.


Due to the worsening virus situation we have decided to cancel the volunteer workparty on Sunday.

Sunday 15th November

Sadly, due to the Covid-19 virus restrictions we are not having a workparty on Sunday 15th November.

Sunday 18th October

The volunteers will be meeting at 10am for socially distanced tasks! No coffee provided this time for virus safety reasons.


The volunteers will be meeting at 10am for socially distanced tasks, including weeding vegetation in the brook, so bring waders if you want to help with this! No coffee break this time for virus safety reasons.

Sunday 16th August

We will meet at 10am at the Scout Hut car park in Southern Road for a mix of jobs scattered around the reserve, keeping paths clear and safe.

Workparty Sunday 19th July 2020

Meet at 10.00am at the Scout hut car park in Southern Road to help look after the Cuttle Brook reserve. We may clear some of the collapsing hemlock water dropwort by the paths in Cox’s Wood, so please where long sleeves & gloves if you want to help with this task. Other jobs too!

The volunteers are back on Sunday 21 June!

We will be working at a social distance of course! Meet at 10am in the Scout Hut car park. Range of tasks – weeding, pruning brambles across paths. Surveys of plants, butterflies & the brook. We will be keeping well apart, come and help if you can.

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