Meet at 10am. Tasks include cutting back the blackthorn and brambles in the “triangle” near the Phoenix Trail, and the usual chemical and invertebrate / bug water-sampling.
Meet at 10am. Tasks include cutting back the blackthorn and brambles in the “triangle” near the Phoenix Trail, and the usual chemical and invertebrate / bug water-sampling.
Start at 10am. Additional job – We now have the plastic pipe (100 metres of it) which will feed the pond from the man-hole on the hill to prevent it drying out every Summer. The pipe will need to be buried in a shallow but fairly long trench.
Please come if you can (many hands etc), and bring your garden spade(s) if possible. Picks and mattocks may also help.
Meet at 10am in the Scout Hut car park, Southern Road. Bring warm, tough clothes and boots. If you have favourite gloves, loppers and saws then please bring them too, or you can use ours. We will be working on trees and scrub to get the habitat right.
Our first 2017 workparty will be next Sunday 15th January. This will involve tree work (pruning, coppicing and felling). We meet by the Scout Hut at 10am.
Next volunteer work party will meet at 10.00am at the Scout Hut car park in Southern Road. Jobs may include cutting the important sedge and reed beds to keep them in good condition.
This Sunday we will meet at the Scout hut car park, Southern Road Recreation ground, at about 10 am.
Our main tasks will be
Measuring the ‘fall’ to see if the reed beds could feed the pond to maintain a good water level.
Kick-sampling in the brook for river-fly larvae, and taking water samples.
Cutting (and ideally removing) excess nettles .
Replacing the main entrance ‘Cuttlebrook’ sign.
Mowing paths, clearing edges and overhangin g branches.
Litter picking at key locations, and maybe from the pond and brook.
We also have some activities for younger volunteers, if a parent needs to entertain them!
Our Sunday workparty for July (3rd Sunday every month) will be next weekend, July 17th. All are welcome at the Scout hut car park 10am…
Tasks may include re-instating the “Cuttlebrook Reserve” sign at the main entrance, removing cleavers and other growth from our recently laid hedge at Cox’s wood, cutting paths, nettles and overhanging branches, chemical and riverfly water sampling, and a butterfly survey.
Work-party this Sunday, meeting at 10am in the Scout hut car park.
The planned activities are:
Extend the spialling by the bridge to prevent bank erosion endangering the ramps
Build a small earth ridge in the sedge bed, to reduce water flow under the path
Check the storm flaps and the netting on the dipping platform
Check and test the scythe-bar cutter
Carry out monthly water sampling and river-fly larva kick-sampling
Litter-pick before stuff gets too hidden by plant growth
Please bring good gloves, boots and spades if you can.
Meet at 10am at the Scout Hut car park. The main task is to repair the surface of the main townside path (the one past the pond towards the Phoenix Trail), where several pot-holes have been forming muddy puddles.