

Sunday 16th March

The volunteers will meet at 10.00am in the Scout Hut car park in Southern Road to carry out a range of tasks. This may include some fencing near the Watkins Bridge. Wear suitable boots and bring work gloves. Coffee break late morning, finish by lunchtime.

Sunday 16 February 2025

We will meet at 10.00am in the Scout Hut car park in Southern Road to carry out a range of tasks, including workto coppice thorns by the brook to let more light onto the stream to benefit wildlife. We will also do a litter pick along the brook now the vegetation has died down. It is very muddy so please bring work-gloves and suitable boots. Coffee break late morning, coffee provided! Finish lunchtime.

Wednesday 26 February 2025

We will meet at 10.00am to help Thame Town Council with the management of Ham Wood, Moorend Lane. Park in Cromwell Avenue and walk along the rough track passing the sewage works, the wood is on the left where we will be coppicing old hazel to improve the habitat for birds and butterflies.

Sunday 15th December

Our final volunteer gathering of the the year. We will meet at 10am in the Scout Hut car park for some simple tasks such as litter clearance after the latest floods, spreading wood chips on muddy paths and a general check of the site. Refreshments provided.

Work in the brook Sunday 17 November

We will meet at 10.00am in the Scout Hut car park in Southern Road to carry out a range of tasks, including work in the brook to let more light onto the stream and modify the channel to benefit wildlife. Please bring work-gloves and suitable boots. Coffee break late morning, coffee provided! Finish lunchtime.

Vounteer workparty Sunday 20 October

Our October work party will be this Sunday (20th) at 10am. We will meet in the scout hut car park off Southern Road. Our main tasks will include cutting back trees and bushes which are shading the brook, creating new habitats in the brook if the level is not too deep, and managing the bramble ‘hedge’ in Rycote Meadow. Please bring wellies, waders and tough gloves if you have them, but if not we have some on site.

Sunday 15 September

We will meet at 10.00am in the Scout Hut car park in Southern Road to carry out a range of tasks, including continuing the clearance of vegetation in the brook to let more light onto the stream to benefit wildlife. Please bring work-gloves and suitable boots. Coffee break late morning, coffee provided!

Sunday 18 August

We will meet at 10.00am in the Scout Hut car park in Southern Road to carry out a range of tasks, including clearing vegetation in the brook and along paths. Please bring work-gloves and suitable boots. Coffee break late morning, coffee provided!

Sunday 16 June

We will meet at 10.00am in the Scout Hut car park in Southern Road to carry out a range of tasks. Please bring work-gloves and suitable boots. Coffee break late morning, coffee provided!

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