Category Archives: Work Parties


Work-party this Sunday, meeting at 10am in the Scout hut car park.
The planned activities are:
Extend the spialling by the bridge to prevent bank erosion endangering the ramps
Build a small earth ridge in the sedge bed, to reduce water flow under the path
Check the storm flaps and the netting on the dipping platform
Check and test the scythe-bar cutter
Carry out monthly water sampling and river-fly larva kick-sampling
Litter-pick before stuff gets too hidden by plant growth
Please bring good gloves, boots and spades if you can.

The next volunteer work party is on Sunday 17th January 2016. Meet at the Scout hut car park at 10.00am. We will be working in the woods, coppicing hazel and other jobs.

Sunday 18th October 2015 – meet at Scout hut car park at 10.00am

The next work party will be Sunday 20th September. Meet in the recreation ground car park at 10am.

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