Category Archives: Events


We have a variety of tasks for Sunday so meet at 10am in the Scout Hut car park in Southern Road if you would like to help.

Come and help us at 10am – meet at the Scout Hut car park in Southern Road

Meet at 10am in the car park by the scout hut in Southern Road.

Meet at the Scout hut car park in Southern Road at 10.00am for the usual mix of tasks, including weeding young hedge.

Volunteers welcome to help around the reserve. We meet at the Scout Hut car park in Southern Road at 10am. Wear old clothes and bring work gloves.

Meet at 10am at the Scout hut car park for a range of tasks, do come and help if you can.

We will meet at 10am at the Southern Road car park by the Scout Hut, a range of tasks including tree work, so do come and help. Finish about 1pm.

Come and help us look after Thame’s nature reserve. Meet at 10am at the Southern Road car park by the scout hut. Finish about 1pm.

Meet at the Scout Hut car park at 10am for a walk around the reserve and one or two little tasks, to be followed by our Christmas social.

Start at 10am at the Scout Hut car park in Southern Road, bring waders or wellies if you would like to work in the pond, other jobs include hazel coppicing.

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