Category Archives: Work Parties


We will meet at 10.00am in the Scout Hut car park in Southern Road to weed the young hedging in Rycote Meadow so wear long sleeves and bring work gloves. The ground is likely to be wet so boots may be needed. Plus other jobs depending on numbers!

We will be tree planting in the clearing in Cox’s Wood on Sunday morning. We will meet at 10.00am as usual in the Scout Hut car park. There may also be some additional work to clear up arisings as contractors will be clearing the ditch on the edge of Cox’s Wood for the Town Council this week. The ground is still very muddy so wear boots and bring work gloves.

We will meet at 10.00am in the Scout Hut car park to carry out a range of tasks, which we hope will include some hazel hedge laying. Please bring work-gloves and suitable boots for wet and muddy ground.

We will be helping Thame Town Council with some hazel coppicing in Ham Wood, which was planted by the Woodland Trust. We will meet at 10am at the entrance to the wood which is in Moorend Lane, just a little way along from the sewage works! Bowsaws and loppers provided. We plan to make dead hedges with cut material to help protect new growth.

We will meet at 10.00am in the Scout Hut car park to carry out a range of tasks, which we hope will include planting some hawthorn hedging. Please bring workgloves, suitable boots for wet and muddy ground conditions, and a spade if you would like to help.

We meet at 10am  for about 3 hours work. Assemble in the Scout Hut car park in Southern Road. Tasks will include repairing the bridges, with new boards to be put on the little bridge over the ditch.

We will meet at 10am at the Scout Hut car park in Southern Road. A variety of tasks but wellies and gloves may be useful. Work may include removal of invasive plants from the pond and work along the brook.

We are busy putting together an exhibition that will be in Thame Museum at the end of October to celebrate 30 years of the Cuttle Brook Conservation Volunteers managing the nature reserve. It will highlight some of the changes over the last 30 years and things you can see. Do come along to find out more!

The volunteers will meet at 10am in the Scout Hut car park in Southern Road. The main task will be some weeding and protecting young trees. This involved pulling up cleavers and nettles. Bring strong work gloves if you have them, we can provide some for those that don’t.

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